I’m watching the clock today: in exactly one hour, seven minutes, and twenty-three seconds, I’ll be retired from my job at the University of Chicago Press.
As you know by now, my longtime colleague Russell Harper will become editor of the “Chicago Style Q&A” at CMOS Online and editor of the CMOS Shop Talk blog. (In about one hour, six minutes, and 15 seconds.)
Russell is the perfect person to take the wheel. He’s tech-minded and curious and meticulous and kind. His patience is legendary. He’s also a creative writer and amateur photographer. Here’s an interview with Russell from 2010, the year CMOS 16 was published. It’s one of my favorite interviews ever.
As for me, it’s been an honor to edit University of Chicago Press books and confer with colleagues on the team of The Chicago Manual of Style. Traveling and speaking on behalf of CMOS has led to countless friendships and opportunities. Reading emails to the Q&A inspired me to write The Subversive Copy Editor and to begin blogging. I am filled with gratitude, both to the Press and to our readers.
And the Q&A mail? I will miss it! I love mail. It has so much . . . personality. And possibility. Nothing could replace the privilege of listening to the personal and professional concerns of writers and editors through their letters to The Chicago Manual of Style over the years.
But I don’t want to overdo the farewell. I’ll be around, just up the road a bit. And Russell has already invited me to write for Shop Talk now and then. I look forward to more writing and travel. See you out there!
Top image: Purple, courtesy Tolucreations