My post today at The Chicago Manual of Style Shop Talk blog:
In my view, the most regrettable copyediting disasters come in the form of errors introduced by the editor. Letting a writer’s original mistake survive is certainly cause for regret, but nothing’s worse than knowing that the work was correct until you messed it up!
New editors are especially prone to err in that way—the overeager types who simply can’t wait to put marks on the page, whether it actually improves anything or not. From inexperience, they . . .
Photo: I Own This Wall. And This Crayon. By Juhan Sonin.
This article is helpful to me in that I am going to school for copy editing and this is a fear I have. I volunteer my services to non-profits so that I can gain experience. Do you have any other suggestions for improving skills?
Posted by: AstraParo | 02/12/2016 at 01:18 PM