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Could you recommend a few of those "language writers and editors" Twitter accounts you mention. I already follow @SubvCopyEd (but of course), but I'm always looking for more voices.

Carol Saller

The three I mentioned in the post (Stan Carey, Katharine O'Moore-Klopf, and Copyediting (Erin Brenner) will get you started and lead you to others. Almost anyone who blogs will also tweet. Or you can type "copy editor" or "editing" (or whatever interests you) into the Twitter search bar.

Twitter will also suggest people to follow based on your first selections. A site like HootSuite allows you to set up multiple streams of tweets based on key words you choose.

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I completely agree, Carol! We editors should continue to learn and immerse ourselves in the English language. We can never take too many grammar or editing classes. I even learned a lot more about what I do when I developed my copyediting correspondence course, and I am always revising it as I learn new things.


Thanks Carol, I'll look them up!

Patricia Boyd

And the M-W editors Peter Sokolowski, Kory Stamper, and Emily Brewster also offer great fun and insight on Twitter. But as a freelancer, I take much comfort in the Chicago Manual forum. Since I have no editor coworkers sitting next to me in an office, these folks provide the next best thing. (You do have to pay for a year's worth of online use of the manual, however, to join the forum. But the easy access to the manual is so helpful, and I deduct the fee as a valid business expense. What's more, the fee automatically screens out the not-so-serious types from the forum.)


I like Patricia's suggestion of joining the Chicago Manual forum. I think the fee would not only sift out the not-so-serious, but would save multitudes of time by not having rabbit hole comments sections to peruse.
I have always found the best approach, even when I know an answer chapter and verse is to query, particularly for someone with whom you're working for the first time.
Thanks for this post. It was confirmation that I made the right choice by taking the editing/copyrighting course that I am currently enrolled in.

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