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This is excellent advice. Please consider reposting it as a blog post somewhere so I can point my clients to it. (They will never find their way to page 54 of a PDF newsletter.)

Thank you,

Carol Saller

Tony, thanks for your interest. (I should have done that to begin with!)

Nancy Friedman

"Hoards" of fans?

Carol Saller

That's right: you hoard them for when you really need them?

Micheline Brodeur

Hoarding them for the premier of the movie version? (I love your posts!)

Carol Saller

Thanks, Micheline--I'm sure you know how much it means to be loved in spite of typos.


Hi, Carol,

Thanks for mentioning this article/post. I hadn't seen it in the Prairie Wind. As I've said several times, school visits, when I was up to doing them, were a great way to sell books. I have yet to find a substitute that works, but I'm still trying. Can't wait to see the movie version of your next novel. :-)


Yep. The typo venders must have been having a sale. :-)

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