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Hi Carol --

I think I might edit the second one a little differently:

The cost of the food would be paid by the diners, "who will presumably fatten both themselves and their wallets by means of the event.”

Or maybe even:

The cost of the food would be paid by the diners, who "will presumably fatten both themselves and their wallets by means of the event.”

Can't put my finger on why, but these read better to me. Or would that be putting too much of the original quote into unquoted territory?

Carol Saller

Kate, I think your first version reads more smoothly. There are usually a number of ways to tweak, and every reader will have a preference, but I like your revision!



Some days I think I would be happy if my authors would just follow the most basic rule of quoting: If someone else wrote it, put it in quotation marks. Because all the other stuff I can fix.

Also: If you don't understand what you're quoting, don't.


By which of course I meant "Don't quote it."

Patricia Boyd

Thanks especially for example number 1. Still, I don't eliminate these pedestrian quotes when I'm told to copyedit a book lightly and when the author is resistant to changes. But when I become queen of the world, I will not allow quotes like these. Also, I will not allow any preface to contain the word "journey." Thank you. I feel better now.


I prefer the period after the quotation marks in these instances.

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