For over a year, I’ve been turning up here weekly to rant and fume and share, and on my part, it’s been pure pleasure. I hear from enough of you to know not only that someone is out there listening, but that almost anything I’m experiencing in my life as a copyeditor has been similarly experienced by at least some of you. It can keep a body going! I’m very grateful.
But now there’s something new. Starting the week of August 29, I’ll be moving to a new daily blog called Lingua Franca at the Chronicle of Higher Education. Lucy Ferriss, Allan Metcalf, Geoffrey Pullum, Ben Yagoda, and I will focus on language and writing in academe. I’m excited by the challenge and by the company.
In other news, my children’s novel, Eddie’s War, was published this week! Set in rural Illinois during World War II, the book is a coming-of-age story about a boy too young to enlist. I hope you’ll take a look—if you read it and like it, please feel free to say so at Goodreads or Amazon. Meanwhile, Clara Gillow Clark invited me to guest blog about it this week; if you’d like to hear more, hop on over there.
So . . . today is my last regular Wednesday post at this site. I expect future posts to be somewhat sparse and random, but I hope you’ll keep me in your feeds. And I hope we can continue our conversation at Lingua Franca. Thank you for being here. I hope I see you there.
All the best,
Good luck with Lingua Franca, Carol! I'll miss your insightful comments here, but I'm sure you'll have plenty on the new blog, too.
Posted by: Ebrenner | 08/03/2011 at 07:44 AM
Congratulations! As an academic-turned-copyeditor still struggling with the transition, I visit your blog both for inspiration and comic relief. Thanks for those gifts. I look forward to following you at the Chronicle.
Posted by: Charlotte Weber | 08/03/2011 at 08:04 AM
Carol, I'm very much looking forward to reading what you and Ben Yagoda have to say on Lingua Franca, because I've long admired the work that each of you does.
Posted by: KOKEdit | 08/04/2011 at 09:33 AM
Thanks for the update! I'm not too familiar with The Chronicle blogs - I couldn't find Lingua Franca on there. Is that not launching until August 29th? I look forward to following you there!
Posted by: Laurengundrum | 08/08/2011 at 09:45 AM
Lauren, thanks! And yes--sorry I wasn't clear. The blog will begin the week of August 29.
Posted by: Carol Saller | 08/08/2011 at 10:59 AM