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I find NNTR very useful, not only in email but in text messages. It doesn't seem to be very well known, though, at least in my texting circles: I've received a couple of puzzled responses that led to even longer exchanges!

Doug Pardee

I'm surprised that Pogue seems to be unaware of NT, which has long been used at the end of a forum board posting's subject line to indicate that the posting contains No Text.

Also, NRN and NRR have been used to indicate No Response Necessary/Needed/Required. NRN has been especially popular in texting, and Oprah's site recommends NRN, so there you are. :)

Adding new acronyms doesn't seem to serve a purpose.

Carol Saller

Doug, give Pogue a break--he didn't suggest these acronyms; he's passing along news of the E-Mail Contract, which has already been signed by thousands.

And give readers some credit; if more people use the acronyms, whether NNTR, NRN, or NRR, surely they won't scratch their heads too long looking for differences.

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