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Federico Escobar

Great answers; thanks! The Editorium's document on wildcard searches was very helpful.

Federico Escobar

Dear Carol: A quick question along the same lines. I recently switched from PC to Mac, and one of my trusted allies from the bygone PC era is something you suggested in this post: pressing Control+B to add bold in the Find box. I've been rooting around support pages for Office for Mac 2011, and it seems we are forced to click on Format... and then on Bold every time we want to search using Bold, Not bold, Italics, etc. Please give me the good news that you do know a shortcut. All the best with your new book, by the way.

Carol Saller

Federico, I asked my Mac pals and also searched briefly online, and I couldn't find a shortcut. Readers, if you can help, please feel free!

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