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I finally had to declare "No free editing" to friends for anything more than about 500 words. I enjoy editing and love when people come to me for help. Now I politely say, "I have to give my paying clients priority." Can you do a post on why unsolicited attachments are such a faux pas?

Emilee Bowles

That's impressive that you can take off the copyeditor's hat. I'm working on being able to do that as it takes away some of the pleasure of the text to stop at every potential typo when I'm not copyediting.


Wow. Thanks for the shout-out! It made my day while sitting here stranded at O'Hare.

I love all things Chicago, but I would like to go home now.

Carol Saller

Ray, I'm so sorry! (If you need a place to stay, let me know--seriously.)


While it is extremely unlikely that I will ever hand you a book and ask you to read it (although I will certainly send you one if you have nothing better to do with your time :) ), one thing you said does niggle a bit with me.

Should you ever misunderstand something you read in a book by someone you know, misunderstand it "enough to provoke some rethinking," I certainly hope you would mention that, regardless of what hat you're wearing.

While I hate having certain of my friends read my books, because they cling so dearly to certain old chestnuts about infinitives and prepositions and whether "than" is a conjunction or a preposition, nonetheless, when something doesn't seem to make sense, I want them to say so.


Carol Saller

Levi, exactly--the whole point of my reading is to provide feedback on anything I don't understand or dislike. I'm reading drafts, not finished work. It's for editing purposes; just not copyediting purposes.

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