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Darrell Young

I am a relatively new author (six technical photography books, so far) and CMOS 16 is my first copy. I love it! However, my publishing company's proofreader uses version 15, and refers to it from time to time. I guess I need to subscribe to your online edition so that I can have both versions immediately available. Thanks for such a fine resource. Love your blog.


In the spirit of taking it 'bird-by-bird' we calculated that we'd have to read 0.7xxx pages per day in our 4-day work week over 7 years (the gap between 15 and 16) to see it all... But, in reality, we're going to digest it item by item, as questions arise. I like the departures.

Jane Steen

I just took a look at the significant changes. This post should be entitled "Be Afraid. . .Be Very Afraid."

Sue Campbell

I just wanna know, why the picture shows the back of the book, and why you're phone is off the hook!

Sue Campbell

Opps. ... why YOUR phone is off the hook. It won't help with my typing or proofreading will it?

Carol Saller

Sue, don't worry - it's not actually my phone. It's an old-fashioned telephone receiver I rescued from the trash and use as a paperweight.

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