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Ugh. I have done this a few times and it still gnaws at my gut, even though I have patched things up. I just can't let go of it. It was very stupid of me.

Carol Saller

Erin, you're obviously not alone. If you patched it up, just resolve to do better and move on.

All the best---

Maggie Newman

So publically is acceptable now? I still prefer publicly.

Michael Koplow

Another thing to be careful about (this should be obvious, but if you, like me, are a complete doofus, it may not be) is sending stuff to the right person. For example, you don't do what I did when I wrote to a freelancer that the author of a book was easily confused. I started typing in the freelancer's e-address, and when a name appeared there after I'd typed in a few letters, I sent it. Misfortunately, the freelancer and the easily confused author have handles that begin with the same few letters. So I sent it to the easily confused author (and so now we wonder whether the easily confused shoe fits yours truly's misshapen foot). Fortunately, he was so easily confused that he didn't seem to notice.

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